Population Ecology Explained: Insights into Species Interactions and Growth
o Explain the terms, population density, population growth, immigration, emigration, birth rate and death rate.o Outline the population sampling techniqueso Identify the factors which affect population size.o Distinguish between density dependent and density independent factors that affect population size.o Explain the concept of biological pest control.o Outline the advantages and disadvantages of biological pest control.o Explain the concept of ecological succession.o Explain how organisms in aquatic and terrestrial habitats are adapted to their habitat
Population dynamics is the study of short-term and long-term changes in the size and age composition of populations, and the factors influencing these changes. It deals with the way populations are affected by birth and death rates, and by immigration and emigration.
Characteristics of Population Ecology
Population ecology is the study of how populations of organisms interact with their environment, focusing on factors that influence population size, structure, growth, and dynamics. Key characteristics of population ecology include population density, distribution, demographics, growth rate, and carrying capacity, each of which contributes to understanding how populations thrive, decline, or remain stable within ecosystems.
1. Population Size
Population size is the total number of individuals in a particular species within a defined area at a given time. It’s a fundamental measure in ecology, as it can indicate the health of a species, potential for reproduction, and vulnerability to extinction.
- Examples: Large populations can withstand more environmental fluctuations, while small populations are more prone to extinction due to disease or resource scarcity.
2. Population Density
Population density measures the number of individuals per unit area or volume. It provides insight into the interactions among individuals and their environment.
- High Density: Often leads to competition for resources, social interaction, and an increase in disease transmission.
- Low Density: May result in reduced mating opportunities but less competition for resources.
3. Population Distribution (or Dispersion)
Distribution refers to the spatial arrangement of individuals within a population. There are three main types:
- Clumped Distribution: Individuals are clustered together in patches, often around resources (e.g., water or food).
- Uniform Distribution: Individuals are evenly spaced, often due to territorial behavior or competition.
- Random Distribution: Individuals are spaced unpredictably, usually when resources are abundant and evenly distributed.
4. Age Structure
Age structure describes the proportion of individuals in different age categories within a population. It’s critical for predicting future population growth trends.
- Young Population: Populations with a larger proportion of young individuals often grow quickly.
- Older Population: Populations with a higher proportion of older individuals may experience slower growth or decline.
5. Sex Ratio
The sex ratio is the proportion of males to females in a population. This ratio can influence reproductive rates and thus the overall growth rate of the population.
- Balanced Ratio: Often seen in stable populations with equal birth and survival rates for both sexes.
- Skewed Ratio: Can occur due to environmental pressures or social structure, affecting reproduction.
6. Population Growth Rate
Population growth rate is determined by birth rates, death rates, immigration, and emigration within a population. Growth patterns are typically categorized as either exponential or logistic.
- Exponential Growth: Rapid, unrestricted growth under ideal conditions, represented by a J-shaped curve.
- Logistic Growth: Growth that slows as the population nears carrying capacity, forming an S-shaped curve.
7. Carrying Capacity (K)
Carrying capacity is the maximum population size that the environment can sustainably support based on available resources like food, water, and shelter. When populations exceed carrying capacity, resources become limited, leading to increased competition and potential decline.
- Dynamic Nature: Carrying capacity can change due to environmental factors, such as climate, resource availability, or human impact.
8. Limiting Factors
Limiting factors are environmental constraints that regulate population growth. They can be either density-dependent or density-independent:
- Density-Dependent Factors: Increase in intensity as population density rises, such as competition, predation, disease, and parasitism.
- Density-Independent Factors: Affect populations regardless of density, including natural disasters (e.g., floods, fires) and climate extremes.
9. Survivorship Curves
Survivorship curves show the rate of survival of individuals over time and are categorized into three types:
- Type I: High survival rates in early and middle life with a decline in later years (e.g., humans).
- Type II: Consistent survival rate throughout life (e.g., birds).
- Type III: Low survival rate early in life, with higher survival for those that reach maturity (e.g., many plants, fish).
10. Life History Strategies
Life history strategies refer to how organisms allocate resources for growth, reproduction, and survival. These strategies are typically classified into r-selected and K-selected species:
- r-Selected Species: Characterized by high reproductive rates, minimal parental care, and shorter lifespans (e.g., insects, many fish).
- K-Selected Species: Have lower reproductive rates, extensive parental care, and longer lifespans (e.g., mammals like elephants).
Population Growth
Population Growth is the change in a population over time, or the change in the number of individuals in a population per unit time. Population growth is determined by four factors, births (B), deaths (D), immigrants (I), and emigrants (E).
The population growth of a period can be calculated in two parts, natural growth of population (B-D) and mechanical growth of population (I-E).
Growth can be both positive and negative i.e. growth can be increasing or decreasing. The factors which limit the growth of population are collectively called environmental resistance and can be grouped into abiotic and biotic factors.
Population Growth Rate
Population Growth Rate is the rate at which the number of individuals in a population increases in a given time period.
Factors Affecting Population Size
Density-dependent and -independent factors
Density Dependent Factors
They are density dependent because these factors relate to the size or density of the population. These include predation, epidemic, disease, parasitism, competition, food availability, accumulation of toxic waste. These factors lower the population and eventually stabilize it at a particular point.
In some populations, the rate of increase in numbers, the population growth rate, decreases as the density increases. For example, in studying the dynamics of bacteria or yeast, the population is seen to increase very quickly at first and then begins to decrease. The initial period of rapid growth may be due to the supply of adequate growth conditions, such as suitable temperature, food materials and oxygen. As growth progresses, poisonous waste products of metabolism from the organisms build up in the growth medium and the supply of food oxygen decrease. This makes the environment less favorable for growth. The result is a decrease in the rate of population growth. This type of population is described as self-limiting: it is density dependent because the growth rate depends on the numbers present in the population. If a graph is plotted to represent how such populations change with time, a sigmoid or S-shape is obtained.
Density Independent Factors
These are factors which can affect dense or sparse
population irrespective of the level of population. They include natural
disaster such as floods, earthquake,
fire, storms, and volcanic eruption.
Other population growth rates are density independent. Their
growth curves appear J-shaped. There is an initial period of rapid increase in
the population as a result of favorable growing conditions. This allows for a
rapid initial growth until a peak value is obtained. Unless this rapid growth
is checked by other factors in the environment, the increase continues
indefinitely, until the food supply is exhausted. Beyond this point the
rate of reproduction drastically decreases and the growth rate decreases. This
type of population growth is termed density independent because
the regulation of growth rate is not tied to the population density until the
final crash.
Growth Curves
Populations have characteristic growth curves. Growth in a density-dependent population is described by a S-shaped or sigmoid curve. In a density-independent population, growth rate is described by a J-shaped or exponential growth curve.
Exponential growth curve
An exponential growth curve represents density- independent population growth as the regulation of growth rate is not tied to the population density until a final crash. Exponential growth cannot continue indefinitely because growth is restricted by environmental resistance such as food supply, accumulated waste products, increased competition and predation.
An exponential growth curve has two phases:
i. The lag phase during which growth is slow because the population is small and is becoming established.
ii. The exponential growth phase during which growth is accelerated as the population increases, until an environmental limit causes a population crash.
Common examples of populations
exhibiting this type of growth are those that show 'boom and bust' cycles, such
as algal blooms and some species of insect.
Sigmoid Growth Curve
The sigmoid growth curve
describes the growth of a density-dependent population. The growth rate depends
on the number of individuals present within the population. The population
becomes stable when the carrying capacity of the environment is reached.
Carrying capacity is the number of individual that the environment can support.
The sigmoid curve
has four phases:(i) The lag phase where population density initially shows a slow increase.(ii) The exponential growth phase where growth accelerates.(iii) The deceleration phase where growth slowest down due to
competition between individuals for limited resources.(IV) The equilibrium phase where little or no growth takes place
because the carrying capacity of the environment has been reached and the number of births and
deaths are approximately equal.
The population will
only grow when its size is lower than the carrying capacity of the
environment. This has practical
implications, for example, in fish production. The fish population can be maintained as a continuous
source of food if the population size is maintained below the carrying capacity
at the exponential phase of growth, where replacement individuals is highest.
If we overfish, the population will be reduced to the lag phase and take longer to recover. To
limit the growth of a pest, it is always better to reduce the carrying capacity
of the environment rather than reduce the population size, which only
allows exponential growth to begin again.
Methods of Determining Population Size or Density
1. Direct Counting:
a. Quadrat: A quadrat is a square wooden frame which may be divided into small squares by means of string or wire fastened across the frame. The size of the frame depends on the area under study and the size of the organism being sampled. The quadrat is normally carefully thrown at random within the habitat and where it lands, the area of ground enclosed carefully studied. This normally involves counting the number of each species of plant within the frame. The plants partially enclosed are counted as half. The random is repeated several times.
b. Line transect: This is a method of sampling plant distribution and it is mostly used with the quadrat. A string is laid down in a straight line across all or part of the habitat. Sampling of vegetation is then carried out by placing quadrats at regular intervals along the string.
c. Point frame: a point frame may also be used in conjunction with a quadrat to find percentage cover. This is a piece of wood with ten holes drilled in it and large pins put through the holes. The quadrat is marked off into ten equal strips and the point frame is put down in each strip in turn. Where a plant touches a pin, it is identified and recorded. This means that 100 points will be touched in the quadrat, so percentage cover is easily obtained by this method. If, for example, a species of grass is touched 20 times, its percentage cover is 20%. The total number of percentages recorded (including that of bare ground if no plant is touched by a pin) should add up to 100%. The mean (average) percentage cover of a plant species over a certain area can be obtained by throwing the quadrat several times and finding the percentage cover in each quadrat. The mean percentage cover for a particular plant species can then be calculated as the sum total of the percentage cover in each quadrat, divided by the number of quadrats sampled.
d. Butterfly net: Butterfly net may be used to catch flying insects such as butterflies,
e. Sweep net: Insects on the ground and also some land vertebrates can be trapped with a sweep net.
f. Pooter: It used in collecting small animals e.g. ants, found among leaf litter, on vegetation and in cracks and crevices.
g. Light traps: Light traps use an ultraviolet or black light to attract insects, especially moths, where they are collected in a trap or attracted to a white sheet and selectively identified and removed.
h. Pitfall trap: This is a way of sampling the populations of small animals (usually invertebrates) in the habitat. A simple trap is just a hole in the ground with straight sides, or a large jar with smooth and slippery sides buried in the ground containing food as bait. Traps are placed randomly within the habitat and are examined regularly (at least once a day). Any organisms in the trap are collected, identified, counted and then released. Large trap may be used to sample small animals and lizards.
2. Capture-Mark-Release- Recapture Method
The value obtained is called the Lincoln index. This method works best with animals whose movements are limited by geographical barriers e.g. animals in a pond (aquatic)
o Marking the animals does not impede the movements.
o Marking the animals does not increase the chances of their being detected by predators.
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Reference on Population Ecology:
- National Geographic: Population Ecology
- Khan Academy: Population Ecology
- BBC Bitesize: Population Ecology
- Encyclopedia Britannica: Population Ecology
- UCMP Berkeley: Population Ecology
- Nature: Population Ecology
- Nature Education Knowledge Project: Population Ecology
- What is population ecology
- Population Ecology | Learn Science at Scitable
- Population Ecology Definition, Model & Examples - Lesson
- Population ecology