Past Questions and Answers on Respiration in Mammals
1. Which of the following is not true about respiration?
1. C | 6. C | 11. C | 16. A |
2. C | 7. C | 12. A | 17. D |
3. A | 8. C | 13. A | 18. B |
4. C | 9. D | 14. B | 19. C |
5. D | 10. C | 15. D | 20. A |
1. (SSCE, 1994) (a) What is external respiration?
(b) Distinguish between aerobic respiration and anaerobic respiration.
(c) State three characteristics of respiratory surfaces in mammals.
(i) External respiration: is the uptake of oxygen and simultaneous elimination of carbon dioxide and water. This is commonly referred to as breathing.
(ii) Refer to blog content
(iii) Characteristics features of respiratory surface in mammals
1. presence of thin epithelial lininga Large surface to volume ratio
3. the surfaces are moist
4. presence of large number of blood vessels in them (highly vascularized)
2. (SSCE, 2000 Q3) (a) Distinguish between tissue respiration and gaseous exchange.
(b) (i) What are the main stages in glycolysis?
(ii) What is the importance of Kreb’s cycle?(
iii) Explain briefly the role of anaerobic respiration in two industries.
(i) Tissue respiration:
is a series of chemical reactions within the cell in which organic molecules
are oxidized to release energy. Gaseous
exchange: is the uptake of oxygen and simultaneous elimination of
carbon dioxide and water vapour. This is commonly referred to as breathing.
(b) (i) Main stages in Glycolysis
1. Phosphorylation of glucose by enzymes called hexokinases to form glucose- 6-phosphate
2. Glucose-phosphate rearranged into fructose 6-phosphate.
3. ATP is used in conversion of fructose-phosphate to fructose 1, 6-disphosphate
4. Fructose -disphosphate molecule split into two 3C triose phosphate molecule.
5. Hydrogen atoms are removed from the triose phosphate.
6. Two phosphates molecules are lost and two molecules of ATP are formed.
(ii) Importance of Kreb’s cycle
It is valuable source of intermediates used to manufacture other substances like amino acids and fatty acids. It provides hydrogen atoms which ultimately yield the major parts of the energy.
(iii) Role of anaerobic respiration
1. Yoghurt: The bacteria used in making yoghurt are Lactobacillus bacteria. The bacteria break down milk sugar (lactose) into lactic acid. The lactic acid lowers the pH of the yoghurt, which helps to preserve it.
2. Baking: In production of bread, added yeast feeds on the sugars present in the bread dough and produces the gas carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide causes the dough to rise.
3. Brewing: It involves breaking the starch in the grains (malted barley and malted wheat) by yeasts into alcohol and carbon dioxide.
4. Kenkey: microorganism in corn dough respire anaerobically to produce alcohol which gives taste to the kenkey.
3. (SSCE, 2003 Q1) (a) Describe each of the following processes in tissue respiration in living cells:
(i) glycolysis
(ii) the kreb’s cycle
(b) State four difference between aerobic respiration and anaerobic respiration.
(a) (i) Refer to blog content
(ii) Kreb’s cycle
This results in the completion of pyruvate to CO2 and water, with the release of a large amount of energy. Pyruvate (3C) has one carbon atom removed and the acetyl group (2C) formed then combines with Co-enzyme A to form acetyl-Co-enzyme A which enters a series of cyclic reactions.
Acetyl Co A combines with oxaloacetate (4C) to from citrate (6C) which is oxidized and decarboxylated to form succinate (4C).
The succinate is converted to oxaloacetate through molecular rearrangement and combines with acetyl Co A reform citrate.
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